Raising funds for the British Red Cross and the Power of Kindness.

By now I should be on my way to Dover, (With the miracles of technology I can delay this posting until 1pm on 25th September) I have been so excited to start this trip. Normally I’m laid back until I get on the plane but this one is different.

Some of you may know I have volunteered as a caseworker for the British Red Cross for over 5 years now. For me it was a perfect decision to volunteer there because of my extensive travelling since I retired in 2006.

All over the world I have been shown wonderful kindness by all sorts of people and learned so much about different cultures. Travelling has helped me understand that people everywhere really are the all same, no matter the difference in wealth or living standards. I could talk for hours (anyone who knows me will laugh) but I now believe that only personal contact with other people and cultures will challenge your preconceptions and behaviour towards people from different parts of the world.

If you can conquer your fear of, making a mistake, or asking a foolish question, or just being plain ignorant because you really don’t know, (I do it all the time) you will be amazed at how your confidence grows with people of all cultures. I am convinced with respectful intentions you make great connections with all sorts of people, in all sorts of environments and for me the more I learn, the more you want to know.

I am privileged to work with many wonderful people from lots of diverse backgrounds at the British Red Cross and have been attending Arabic classes in Birmingham with an amazing group of lovely people too. I love both venues, its like travelling around the world every day on my doorstep and together we are an amazing group of people.

I am hoping to visit Red Cross and Red Crescent offices and projects all through Europe and Africa to find out what they actually do. I will also be asking them how they see the “power of kindness” in their work, I hope you find it interesting.

How do I see the power of kindness? Probably easier if I tell you and yes I was born in Scotland, lived in England most of my life but I do love the Irish, hence the shirts.



Now for my boss the Operations manager at Birmingham, Chiara who is from Italy, is in charge of about 35 staff and as many volunteers.
Services they provide include:

  • Event First Aid,
    Mobility Aids,
    International family tracing,
    Crisis response,
    Independent living,
    Refugee support,
    People and learning
    and behind the scenes, Contracts and Finance.



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